Analyze Dynamics 365 Finance / SCM Data in Synapse (Video)

Load Dynamics 365 F/SCM in Synapse and visualize in PowerBI

Synapse link for Dataverse is the replacement for Export to Datalake which has been deprecated in 2023. Although it is called link for Dataverse, it can be used to access Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain tables (and CE data from dataverse as well).

Synapse link for Dataverse

SQL Track Changes has to be enabled in D365 F/SCM. Creates, Updates and Deletes are written to a storage account in CSV format. Synapse is running a spark pool that converts the CSVs into Deltalake format which relies on the (Open-Standard) Parquet format. As result you can see and query the F/SCM tables in the lake like it were tables in a relational database.

Synapse Workspace with Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain data

Good news, Synpase has a serverless SQL pool and a public SQL endpoint. You can find the SQL endpoint from the Manage Icon (down left) > SQL Pools > Select your pool > Workspace SQL Endpoint.

You can create databases in this SQL pool and create views based on the tables in the datalake. For example join CustTable and DirPartyTable and provide a view that contains customer data with a name and address.

Create views in Synapse Workspace

You can use the development workspace in Synapse web based workspace but you could also use other tools to connect e.g. SQL Server Management Studio. Tables in the datalake and views in another database can be accessed.

SQL Endpoint for Synapse Workspace

PowerBI has a built-in connector for Synapse Workspace. You can easily load data from the tables and also from the views.

PowerBI Synapse connector

6 ways to aggregated a value from a related table in PowerBI

Aggregating values from a related table is a common task in PowerBI. However, there are many ways how to achieve this goal. Here are a few examples:

Note: I'm using an Adventure Works Lite Demo DB and using SalesOrderHeader + SalesOrderDetail to aggregate the LineAmount from the details.

1) Aggregate at data source

If you have the option to push aggregation logic to the data source you should do so. Especially if the data source is SQL Server because its designed to execute queries and perform aggregations in a very effective way.

select h.SalesOrderID, sum(d.LineTotal) as SumLineTotals 
from SalesLT.SalesOrderHeader as h
left outer join SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail as d
on h.SalesOrderID = d.SalesOrderID
group by h.SalesOrderID

2) Join in Power Query

Load both tables using PowerQuery. Select the SalesOrderHeader table. From Home tab, select Merge Queries. Join both tables via SalesOrderID and select LEFT OUTER JOIN as join type.

Navigate the joined table but select Aggregate instead of Expand. Aggregate the LineTotals from the SalesOrderDetails.

3) Calculated Column in Power Query (M)

You can also use PowerQuery to sum up values from another table. Note “Rename” is the name of the prev. Step in my PowerQuery.

= Table.AddColumn(Rename, "LineTotalsPQ", 
each let no = [SalesOrderID] 
in List.Sum(
Table.SelectRows(#"SalesLT SalesOrderDetail", each [SalesOrderID] = no)[LineTotal]

4) Calculated Column in Data Model (DAX)

Create a new column at the SalesOrderHeader in the data model using SUMX function.

Col_SumLineTotal = SUMX(
FILTER('SalesLT SalesOrderDetail',
'SalesLT SalesOrderDetail'[SalesOrderID] = 
EARLIER('SalesLT SalesOrderHeader'[SalesOrderID])),
'SalesLT SalesOrderDetail'[LineTotal])

5) Measure

Make sure you have an active 1:n relation from SalesOrderHeader to SalesOrderDetails via SalesOrderID. Create a new measure on the SalesOrderHeader using DAX.

M_SumLineAmount = SUM('SalesLT SalesOrderDetail'[LineTotal])

Add a table visual to the report and place the SalesOrderID and the measure from the SalesOrderHeader table.

6) Visual

Make sure you have an active 1:n relation from SalesOrderHeader to SalesOrderDetails via SalesOrderID. Add a table visual and place the SalesOrderID from the SalesOrderHeader table. Add the LineAmount from the SalesOrderLines and choose to aggregate as Sum.

Version Control for PowerBI with Git

When working on PowerBI projects for a longer time or supporting a customer, version control would be a desireable feature. In many cases PowerBI files are stored on file share or SharePoint. At this moment (August 2023) there is no integrated version control feature in PowerBI Desktop. But we can use featues from different software products to build a version control strategy for PowerBI.

Version Control for PowerBI with Git

There is a preview feature call “Save as PowerBI project” in PowerBI Desktop. This will split the PowerBI report into multiple files that contain the model definition, the report layout and some more files. Now that we have multiple files in a project folder, one can come up with the idea to put these files under a version control system.

You can use Git as version control system on your local PC or wherever the PowerBI reports are developed. Git has a local repository and can be connected to central repository. In Azure DevOps you can setup projects using Git as version control system. Connect your local PowerBI Git repository with Azure DevOps to manage your PowerBI report development.

Here you can read the original post from Microsoft:

I’ve made a video that shows you how to setup version control and connect PowerBI with DevOps:

When will it break? Training a Regression Model in PowerBI for Predictive Maintenance

PowerBI supports training machine learning models like classification and regression in PowerBI Online. In preparation for a webcast I’ve recorded the training of regression model to predict mean-time-to-failure. Watch the step-by-step guide in my ERPCoder Youtube Channel

Can Paginated Reports ease Dynamics 365 FO report development?

Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management uses SQL Server Reporting Services for reporting and document generation. In 2022 Microsoft included SSRS (aka. Paginated Reports) in PowerBI Pro license. One may ask if it is possible to use PowerBI Paginated Reports as well for reporting purpose in Dynamics 365 F/SCM.

X++ SSRSPowerBI Paginated Reports
+ Direct access to transaction DB
+ Business logic in X++
+ Integrated with Dynamics 365 FO

– Complex development
– Embedded in Dynamics 365 FO deployment cycle
+ Simple development using Report Builder
+ Integrated with Business Intelligence
+ Reuse existing data models

– Limited development possibilities
– No direct data access
Pros and Cons for Paginated Reports
SSRS vs. Paginated Report
Side-to-side comparison SSRS X++ report vs. PowerBI Paginated Report

Data Access

Paginated reports in PowerBI have only a limited capability to access data. There is no Dynamics 365 FO connector or OData access to entities. You could use different approaches to get Dynamics 365 FO data.

Access data from Paginated Reports


Paginated reports are designed by using the Report Builder. It is an adapted version of the SSRS Report Builder with some more data access features. In theory you could develop an SSRS report using Visual Studio and upload the .RDL file. However, PowerBI Paginated Reports are a limited version of SSRS and you might get errors.

Paginated Reports - Report Builder for PowerBI


Paginated Reports are a reduced SSRS feature in PowerBI. The Report Builder is very limited. You can define data access, defined parameters and place data on the report sheet. If you want to create printable documents without real-time requirement the Paginated Reports may be an option for you.

PowerBI: Filter an unrelated table using Measures

In some cases you want to filter a table based on a selection which is not related to the table. For example the SalesTable is realted to the CustTable via the Account. The QuotationTable is related to the SalesTable (QuotationID -> Origin). The QuotationTable also has an Account field but is not related to the CustTable.

Such a situation can be avoided by using a better design approach, however you may come across such a problem one day đŸ˜‰

Filter not related table via measure

Compare SelectedValue

Create a new measure in the CustTable that returns the selected value. Place a table visual showing the CustTable in the report. For debugging reasons you may want to place a card visual with your measure as well.

M_SelectedValue = SELECTEDVALUE(CustTable[Account])

In the not-related table (QuotationTable) create a new measure that returns the account number which will be used to filter the records

M_Account = SELECTEDVALUE(QuotationTable[CustAccount])

Add a second measure to compare the selected CustTable value to the CustAccount value in the Quotation table and returns a numeric value (not a boolean). If there is no CustTable selected return e.g. 2, if the selected values are equal return 1, else return 0.

M_Filter = IF(
    If([M_SelectedValue] = [M_Account], 1, 0)

Place a table visual in your report showing the QuotationTable and both measures

Configure a filter on the visual to show only records where the M_Filter value greater than 0.

If no customer is selected all quotations are shown because the M_Filter is 2.

If a customer is selected M_Filter is 1 for all matching records or 0 otherwise.

Now you can hide the M_Filter in the QuotationTable so your users don’t get confused

PowerBI: Compare different Timespans and Products in one Matrix

A recent requirement at a customer was to compare Sales Quantity and Sales Totals of different time spans in one matrix. The customer is selling saisonal as well as all-time products. It should be possible to compare the sale of saisonal products from last season to the actual sales.

Sum of different time spans and product

Data Model

The original data contains 6 rows: The product, the corresponding collection, the sold quantity, the unit price, calculated total price (Qty * Price), date.

In order to make the Quantity and Totals available for a row-like visualization the original data was unpivoted. This created a new column called “Attribute” and another Column called “Value”. The unit (pcs, €) have been added to the attribute to make it more readable. The resulting data looks like the following in PowerBI:

Filter tables

To implement 2 independet filter options based on date and collection 4 independet tables have been added. A date table and a collection table for both filter options. The date tables can easily be generated by using the Calendar() function:

Filter1Date = CALENDAR(Date(2021,1,1), Date(2022,12,31))
Filter2Date = CALENDAR(Date(2021,1,1), Date(2022,12,31))

The collection tables are generated by using the Distinct() function on the collection column in the sales data table. Each of the tables contain a distinct list of collections available for filtering.

 Filter1Collection = DISTINCT(Sales[Collection])
 Filter2Collection = DISTINCT(Sales[Collection])


Three measures have been create. Two measures that sum up the Value column in the sales data filtered on the selected values in the Filter1* table or Filter2 table:

        Sales[Date] >= FIRSTDATE(Filter1Date[Date]) &&
        Sales[Date] <= LASTDATE(Filter1Date[Date]) &&
        Sales[Collection] in VALUES(Filter1Collection[Collection])
        Sales[Date] >= FIRSTDATE(Filter2Date[Date]) &&
        Sales[Date] <= LASTDATE(Filter2Date[Date]) &&
        Sales[Collection] in VALUES(Filter2Collection[Collection])

The third measure calculates the difference between the other two measures:

M_Diff = [M_Sum2]-[M_Sum1]


Finally the report contains 5 visuals. Two slicers for date and collection on the left, another two slicers for date and collection on the right, and a matrix in the middle. The matrix shows the Attribute column as row and shows M_Sum1, M_Sum2 and M_Diff as values.

For example comparing collection “Summer 2021” from 1. Jan. 2021 till 30. Sep. 2021 to the aggregated values of “Collection 2022” + “Basic Wear” from 1. Jan 2022 till 30. Sep. 2022.

Comparing quantity and totals from different time spans and products in one matrix

The slices on the left only affect the M_Sum1 measure which shows quantity and totals in the Filter1 column while the slicers on the right effect only M_Sum2 measure which shows the results in Filter2 column. The difference is calculate dynamically when adjusting the slicers.

How to create PowerBI Scorecard based on D365FO data

PowerBI goals are used to keep track of targets like sales quantity, quality, etc. Goals can be linked to values from PowerBI reports. This video shows how to create a scorecard with goals based on Dynamics 365 Finance data.

Dynamics 365 Environment missing in PowerBI Dataverse Connector

Dataverse is the name of the Dynamics 365 Apps database (e.g. Sales, Service, Field Services, etc.). PowerBI desktop comes with a builtin Dataverse connector. However, if you have multiple environments not all of them may show up in the connector.

Dataverse environment missing in PowerBI connector
Dataverse environment missing in PowerBI connector

In order to make the environment visible in PowerBI Desktop Dataverse Connector you have to enable PowerBI Embedded in your environment.

  1. Open Power Apps Admin Center
  2. Select the missing environment
  3. Open Settings (gear icon on the top)
  4. Search for TDS and open the Datastream Endpoint Configuration page
  5. In the group Embedded enable embedded PowerBI visuals
Enable PowerBI embedded visuals to see the Dataverse environment in the PowerBI connector
Enable PowerBI embedded visuals to see the Dataverse environment in the PowerBI connector

Now when you open PowerBI Desktop and use the Dataverse Connector you should see the missing environment.

Missing Dynamics 365 Dataverse environment is now visible in PowerBI Dataverse connector
Missing Dynamics 365 Dataverse environment is now visible in PowerBI Dataverse connector

How to choose the right BI and reporting strategy for Dynamics 365 Finance

Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain Management offers a broad range of reporting and business intelligence options. You can utilize the integrated Power BI dashboards, link the Power BI report gallery within Dynamics, use integrated SSRS reports or develop Power BI reports and dashboards that connect to Dynamics 365. Sometimes it can be hard to decided which one to choose. Here is a guideline which one to choose depending on the reporting requirements.

Dynamics 365 Power BI and Reporting strategy

Decision Tree for Power BI / Reporting in Dynamics 365 Finance & SCM

Report Format:

What is the purpose of the report? Is it an interactive report / dashboard or is it a static list or document like artifact? For example, sales analysis is typical an interactive report while a collection letter is a printed document. Power BI is great for interactive data analysis, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is the right tool for lists and page oriented printable documents.

Real Time:

Do you need to see transactional data as soon as it is generated in Dynamics? For example posting and invoice and immediately printing the document. If so, you need to access the transactional database (AxDB). There are two ways: Use integrated Reporting Services or query entities via OData. However, using entities allows you to access the AxDB but Power BI doesn’t support Direct Query mode for OData, i.e. you have to hit refresh in order to get the latest data.

Multiple data sources:

Is Dynamics 365 Finance the only data source for your report, or do you need to integrated external data sources as well? An example could be to develop a revenue analysis which includes actual sales data from Dynamics 365 as well as demographics and household income. Integrated Power BI dashboards in Dynamics 365 use direct query to access the AxDB and cannot integrate other data sources. It is also not recommended to load external data into Dynamics 365 AxDB because you have a limited cost free database size in your subscription. Additional SQL storage has to be paid.

Additional licenses:

Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management includes the rights to view the integrated Power BI dashboards. No additional Power BI license is required. Reports developed using the integrated SQL Server Reporting Services technology are also covered by the Dynamics license. External Power BI reports, dashboards and paginated reports require additional Power BI licenses. At least Power BI Pro for reports and dashboards, Power BI Premium Capacity or Premium per User for paginated Reports.


An interactive custom Power BI Report viewed in Dynamics 365 Finance via the users Report Catalog option

Production Performance is part of Dynamics 365 Finance & SCM and directly connects to the entity store (aka. AxDW)

A paginated report in Power BI (Premium)

A static SSRS paginated report in Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM


Before you start working with a certain product, make sure to understand the requirements. Identify the data sources and how to access them. Then choose the right tool for the job. Don’t try to make a printable Power BI or fancy SSRS. By leveraging the full reporting and BI potential you can deliver a great user experience that adds value to Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM.