Analyze Dynamics 365 Finance / SCM Data in Synapse (Video)

Load Dynamics 365 F/SCM in Synapse and visualize in PowerBI

Synapse link for Dataverse is the replacement for Export to Datalake which has been deprecated in 2023. Although it is called link for Dataverse, it can be used to access Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain tables (and CE data from dataverse as well).

Synapse link for Dataverse

SQL Track Changes has to be enabled in D365 F/SCM. Creates, Updates and Deletes are written to a storage account in CSV format. Synapse is running a spark pool that converts the CSVs into Deltalake format which relies on the (Open-Standard) Parquet format. As result you can see and query the F/SCM tables in the lake like it were tables in a relational database.

Synapse Workspace with Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain data

Good news, Synpase has a serverless SQL pool and a public SQL endpoint. You can find the SQL endpoint from the Manage Icon (down left) > SQL Pools > Select your pool > Workspace SQL Endpoint.

You can create databases in this SQL pool and create views based on the tables in the datalake. For example join CustTable and DirPartyTable and provide a view that contains customer data with a name and address.

Create views in Synapse Workspace

You can use the development workspace in Synapse web based workspace but you could also use other tools to connect e.g. SQL Server Management Studio. Tables in the datalake and views in another database can be accessed.

SQL Endpoint for Synapse Workspace

PowerBI has a built-in connector for Synapse Workspace. You can easily load data from the tables and also from the views.

PowerBI Synapse connector

Migrate Azure Analysis Services to another Tenant

Azure Analysis Services are SSAS as a Service hosted and managed in Azure. We recently had to migrate an analysis model from one tenant to another. Here is a video that illustrates how this can be done:

Find more videos in my Youtube Channel.

Windows 365

Microsoft released a new offer: Windows Cloud-PC. You can choose between two licensing types, Windows 365 Business for small companies and Enterprise for larger ones. Technical speaking, Windows 365 is nothing more than a Windows 10 VM running in Azure providing access via RDP and RDP Web Client. This means you can operation your Windows from almost any device with a Browser e.g. a Tablet or shared PC. Windows 365 is integrated within Office 365. You can assign a cloud pc to a user from within the Office 365 admin panel. Users can access the cloud pc from Office 365.

A Cloud-PC can be accessed using a web browser from your Office 365 portal

In contrast to a typical Azure VM, Windows 365 comes with a fixed price you pay per month depending on the sizing. Unfortunately, you can only choose from different configurations based on CPU and RAM but not storage technology. For example, if you select a cheaper one with 2 cores and 4 GB RAM you will get a HDD instead of an SSD.

Cloud-PC: Windows 10 as a Service

In theory you can use a Cloud-PC from a tablet, like in my case from a Samsung Galaxy Tab. But in practice it turns out that it is very buggy to use. The on-screen keyboard pops up very often. The full-screen view resizes many times. Calling the Windows start menu triggers strange actions. One opportunity for Windows 365 could be to provide Home-Office users a workplace.

First week under third Lock-down in Austria (1.1.2021)

We’re back in a hard lock-down. In contrast to the second lock-down in November and December 2020 this one is a proactive lock-down to keep the infections after Christmas under control. Started on 26th December we are under an all-day curfew and non-essential business are closed. Up to now, the impact of the new GB mutation which is more infectious is unclear. Hopefully this will prevent uns from a third wave.

COVID-19 infections in Austria
COVID-19 Infections in Austria (Wave2) Source:

The last year was very challenging for all of us. COVID-19 killed approximately 1.8 million people, and many suffer from severe consequences of a COVID-19 infections. Actions taken to get the pandemic under control brought us into a economic and social crisis. However, from an IT perspective the good news are that COVID-19 boosted Digitization.

Something good in 2020

  • Microsoft Teams: 2020 was the year of Teams. Never ever was a Microsoft Product adopted so quickly by so many people and organizations. Thanks to the (very) hard lock-downs in Europe in spring, Teams was one of the few products that kept many organizations operable.
Microsoft Teams in 2020
2020 – The year of Teams
  • The Cloud: Those who didn’t understand the benefit of the cloud have learned it the hard way this year. The only way to scale up in a very short time is the cloud. No matter if it’s in a public or private cloud. But the situation in early 2020 showed that only the public cloud like Azure could handle the situation. When millions of people are forced to work from home, classic on-premises installations and VPN Gateways collapse.
  • Azure Region Austria: Microsoft announced to build two data centers in Austria. We will get our own Azure region. Typically our customers host their Azure Workloads in the West-Europe region. In the future we will be able to place the cloud workloads closed to the our customers.
  • E-Health: Digitalization and health care has never been a big issue in Austria and Digitalization projects like ELGA (electronic health file) was not very widely used. But COVID-19 boosted Digitalization in health care. We’ll get an electronic vaccination pass next year and e-prescription.
  • Home / Distance Schooling: It is said that the Austrian Education system is very old fashioned and stuck in traditions over decades. Over the last centuries E-Learning was explored from time to time but never ever taken serious. COVID-19 forced the education system to adapt to the situation. Universities also struggled to make exams remote compatible and came up with modern, naive and lazy solutions: The closest solution to a normal exam are Zoom-Meeting based exams, where you have to be online including audio and being watched through the webcam. Some Law-Schools found another way without all the fancy technology stuff. You get the exam online and have to upload the results within a given time, including a sworn declaration that you didn’t cheat. And some other lecturers replaced the classic exam by letting the students write an essay about some textbooks.
  • Bitcoin: Lucky you if you are a Bitcoin hodler đŸ˜‰
Bitcoin skyrocketing in 2020
Bitcoin skyrocketing in 2020

“A very merry Christmas and a happy New Year Let’s hope it’s a good one”
– John Lennon, Merry Christmas

Azure Backup Server agent installation trouble

Taking backups is crucial. I prefer to use the Azure cloud for storing backups. In case a disaster strikes on-premises, the data is at least save in the cloud. Microsoft is offering a great solution with Azure Backup. For taking simple file-based backups you only need the recovery agent installed on the source server. For taking more complex backups e.g. from SQL Server and HyperV the Azure Backup Server is required.

Azure Backup Server (aka. DPM)

The Azure Backup Server is a re-branded System Center Data Protection Manager. Backups can be stored locally on disk and in an Azure Backup Vault. Like the SCDPM Server, the Azure Backup Server requires agents to be installed on the source systems. This can be done using push or pull techniques. Within a domain you can instruct the DPM Server to install an agent on a server. You may also install the agent by hand and instruct DPM to connect to an already installed agent.

Azure Backup Server Console

I had one legacy server hosting a SQL Server 2012 instance, which was protected with System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 a while ago. The old agents were uninstalled years ago but left some entries that blocked the installation of the new DPM agent.

Identifying the problem

When the installation fails, a Log is created in C:\Windows\Temp. A look in the log file revealed that the installer found an installed product that should not be installed.

Agent installation started
 The agent bootstrapper is doing prerequisite checks
 Querying for Product with Upgrade code: {0BEE7F6A-CE2A-A5CF-FFEB-8E0F8A8CDE75}
 Querying for Product with Upgrade code: {EFF053DE-592F-5574-9AA3-64662A944952}
 IsProductInstalled: MsiEnumRelatedProducts returned ERROR_SUCCESS and product code found is {EECBB752-2C6E-45B7-9F18-2327B886309A}
 IsProductInstalled: Product: {EECBB752-2C6E-45B7-9F18-2327B886309A} is installed
 PerformAgentInstall failed with errorcode=addfd060
 Install ProtectionAgent failed with errorcode=addfd060
 Failed: Hr: = [0x80990a2d] DPMAgentInstaller failed, error says: [(null)]
 Failed: Hr: = [0x80990a2d] : SC-DPMRA found. Cannot install Microsoft Azure Backup Agent
 Failed: Hr: = [0x80990a2d] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : PerformAgentInstall(installargs, silent, skipKB)
 Failed: Hr: = [0x80990a2d] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : InstallProtectionAgent(false , false )

To identify the problem get_wmiobject can be used to display ID and Name. A old version of System Center Data Protection Manager Agent was not removed properly.

get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage -AutoSize
DPM 2012 Agent leftover

Remove DPM agent leftovers

A first attempt to get rid of the DPM 2012 was to clean the registry. Therefore the regedit.msc was called and all entries referencing {EFF053DE-592F-5574-9AA3-64662A944952} were deleted. This was not sufficient to install the new agent.

Microsoft provides a tool to remove entries from uninstalled programs. The tool MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall.meta.diagcab can be downloaded here: Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed . It found the entry for DPM 2012 and removed it.

Fixit for blocking installation / uninstallation

The tool was a great step in the right direction, however the installation failed again because the DPM service could not be installed. The log file showed the following entry:

Received type [0x01000000] message [Service 'DPM CPWrapper Service' (DpmCPWrapperService) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.]

It turned out that there was already a CPWrapper Service but it was not functional anymore. The path to binary was no longer working. Therefore the property dialog from the service MMC was also not working. But there exists a tool to remove corrupt service entries. Process Hacker can be used to simple delete the service entry.

Process Hacker

Finally, the agent installation was successful

Azure Backup Server agent installation finished

Microsoft-hosted Dynamics 365 Finance Tier1 Sandboxes are dicontinued: Switch to Cloud-Hosted

Dynamics 365 Finance / SCM Tier1 sandbox environments are heavily used by partners for development and building Dynamics 365 Finance / SCM applications. Microsoft-hosted Tier 1 environments were a great deal because we got well sized VMs with 28 GB RAM and 4 Cores plus SQL Server, Visual Studio and Dynamics 365 Finance pre-installed for a very small fixed price per month available 24/7. Now Microsoft recently announced that they will no longer include Microsoft-Hosted Tier1 Sandbox environments with the Dynamics 365 Financen / SCM license and we will no longer be able to purchase additional Tier1 sandbox Addons. The preferred solution is to use Cloud-Hosted environments instead.

No more Microsoft-Hosted Tier1 environments

Microsoft-Hosted vs. Cloud-Hosted

From a technical standpoint there is no difference between a Microsoft-Hosted or a Cloud-Hosted environment. Both solutions deploy a Windows Server VM in Azure. In both cases the deployment is managed via Lifecycle Service (LCS).

LCS management of a Cloud-Hosted environment
Artefacts of a Cloud-Hosted Dynamics 365 FO Tier 1 environment in Azure

However, there are 3 major aspects to consider:

One big difference is the pricing model. Microsoft-Hosted environments (or Addons) come with a fixed (!) price per month while Cloud-Hosted environments deploy on an Azure subscription and therefore are billed like a classic IaaS (aka. virtual Machine in Azure). Make sure to calculate the costs (!) and turn of the environments if not needed.

Another difference is the ability to choose the sizing of the deployed environment. In contrast to Microsoft-Hosted Tier 1 environments, you are now free to choose a sizing that fits your needs e.g. more (or less) RAM, CPU, Premium SSD storage, etc.

Moreover, in contrast to Microsoft-Hosted environments, we now get an Admin account on our machines. It was understandable that Microsoft tried to lock down the cheap VMs to prevent the misusage with anything else then Dynamics 365. Since we own and pay the VM in a Cloud-Hosted environment its more than fair to have Admin access on the machine.

Video: How to deploy a Cloud-Hosted Dynamics 365 Tier1 developer VM

Make sure to visit my Youtube channel and watch how to deploy a Cloud-Hosted Dynamics 365 FO developer VM using an Azure Subscription.

Update: Management Certificates

The use of management certificates is not supported when using a CSP Azure Subscription. Use a user-connection instead.

Update: Provisioning Admin User

Please note that the user deploying the environment is provisioned as the administrator. Microsoft-Hosted environment had to be signed off using a user from the customer tenant. I’d recommend to stick to this process when deploying a Cloud-Hosted environment

Power Automate: Deploy and Execute an Ethereum Smart Contract

Power Automate (aka. Microsoft Flow) is a great cloud-based tool to automate all possible tasks. There is a Ethereum connector (Beta) that can be used to deploy a Smart Contract to an Ethereum Blockchain network and execute functions.

Ethereum Network

You need to connect to an Ethereum network. There is a fully managed Blockchain Service in Azure. I’m running my private network with Proof-of-Authority. At the Azure management portal, go to the transaction node to get the required information to connect.

Blockchain Service in Azure
Blockchain-as-a-Service in Azure

Smart Contract

I’m using Visual Studio Code with the Ethereum Blockchain Development SDK to implement a Smart Contract in Solidity. You can find the link to the SDK at the Azure Blockchain Service portal.

Blockchain Development Kit for VS Code
VS Code with Azure Blockchain SDK

The SDK requires a lot of other software products to download and install. I found that the solidity compiler installed was newer than expected. As result the demo smart contract you get from the SDK did not compile. The simplest solution was to change the pragma of the contract

pragma solidity >= 0.5.16 <= 0.7.0;

ABI and Bytecode

In order to automate the deployment of a Smart Contract via Power Automate you need to provide the ABI and Bytecode. Both can be found in VS Code, at the build directory in the context menu.

Solidity ABI and Bytecode
Copy ABI and Bytecode directly from VS Code

Power Automate

You can directly provide the ABI and Bytecode in the Deploy Smart Contract action. However, I decided to place both in an Azure Table Storage and fetch it from there. To do so, I create a table with a column for the Bytecode, a column for the ABI and a name.

Store ABI and Bytecode in Azure Storage Account

The first step in my flow is to connect to the Azure Storage account and get the smart contract I need. The result from the storage is a JSON string which is parsed so the ABI and Bytecode is available for the next steps

Deploy Ethereum Smart Contract from Flow
Fetch the smart contract binaries from the storage account

Next the Deploy Smart Contract action is used to deploy the contract. There you need to provide the connection to your Ethereum network. In my example there are two parameters for the constructor and for testing purpose these values are hardcoded. In real life you would provide values from the calling sources. The third parameter for the connector action requires the Bytecode which is taken from the storage account. The result from the deployment is the smart contracts address which is stored in a flow variable.

Deploy a Smart Contract to a private Ethereum Blockchain Network
Deploy a smart contract

Interacting with the smart contract

After the Smart Contract has been deployed to the Ethereum Blockchain Network, use the Execute Smart Contract Function action in the flow. For each step you have to provide the address, the ABI, the name of function and the parameter as JSON string. A function without parameters has to be called with {} because the parameter property is mandatory.

Execute a Smart Contract Function via Flow
Execute a Smart Contract function via Power Automate / Flow

Here is an example for a function with some parameters. These parameters have to be provided as JSON string in Flow.

function SetupMachine(int sawLength, 
                      int waterTemp, 
                      int rpm,
                      int speed) public
        if (State != StateType.Assigned)
            revert('Assign to a machine first');

        SawLengthMM = sawLength;
        WaterTempDgrC = waterTemp;
        ExtruderRPM = rpm;
        ExtruderSpeed = speed;

        State = StateType.Setup;
        Worker = msg.sender;
Execute a Smart Contract Function via Flow
Execute a Smart Contract function with parameters

Dynamics 365 FO: Export Entity Store to Azure Data Lake

Since version 10 Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations supports the entity store export to Azure data lake. The main benefits are reduced costs because Azure Cloud storage is cheap and easy access for Business Intelligence tools like PowerBI.

If you are running a local development VM, the data connection tab in system parameters ist deactived by default. However, this can be actived using the SysFlighting table.

The configuration is pretty well documented by Microsoft. I’ve performed all the necessary steps and recorded a video: