Windows Mobile & CE

They say Windows Mobile is dead. I agree, its dead on the mobile phone market. However Mobile and CE legacy OS’ are still relevant to develop mobile applications on barcode reader and RFID reader / writer devices. Just to mention Smiley ..


Receive large texts via AIF

One of our customer’s business partner transmits data as XML file. However, they did not make it to use a structured xml document service, but send a string that (in most cases) contains a valid xml document. Therefore we’ve setup an AIF service, using a class that takes one str parameter called _txt and stores it at a memo field.

public void storeText(str _text)
    AifBigData bigData;
    bigData.Text = _text;

However, the business partner recently told us they get an error message while transmitting data to the AIF service telling them the transmitted data is too large. We were able to reproduce the issues by calling the service using a larger random-generated text.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var client = new BigData.BigDataServiceClient();
        client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = new

        // works fine
        client.storeText("Hello World");

        // fails 😦
        string txt = GenerateBigText();

    private static string GenerateBigText()
        var random = new Random(); 
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < 61440; i++)
            char c =  (char)random.Next(65, 122);

        return sb.ToString();

The second call results in an exception

The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader.

However, the exception is well explained and contains a solution proposal to set the MaxStringContentLength

Go to Basic > AIF > Services > Button Configure


Select Binding > basicHTTPBinding > ReaderQuotas > MaxStringContentLenght and set e.g. 2147483647


Save and generate the .NET artifacts. Open windows explorer and navigate to the AIF virtual directory e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\AifWebServices . Select the web.config and open it with internet explorer. Make sure the MaxStringContentLength value is set


With this configuration the service call will work and a large text message is stored properly in Dynamics AX


Make Motorola/Symbol 9090 Scanner scan

I was recently working on a Motorola 9090 scanner device, loaded with Windows Mobile 6.5, developing a .NET Compact Framework application. Most scanner devices automatically trigger the scanner when pressing the scan button and write the decoded barcode text in any text field or document. This device didn’t and there was no preinstalled scanner tool to configure the devices behavior. However, there is a nice application called DataWegde provided by Motorola to make the scanner scan without using any obscure APIs.

Connect a Windows Mobile Device with Dynamics AX

It’s easy to connect a mobile device like a smartphone with Dynamics AX using web services. This tutorial requires Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 with AIF Webservices installed and Visual Studio for Smart Device development.

Deploy AIF Service

  1. Go to Basic → Setup → Application Integration Framework → Services
  2. Select Refresh button to update service list
  3. Enable CustCustomerService
  4. Generate the webservice

    Aif Services

    Aif Service

  5. To verify your service is working open the IIS manager
  6. Go to → Sites → Default Web Site  → MicrosoftDynamicsAxAif50  → Content View

    IIS 7 Manager on Windows Server 2008

    IIS 7 Manager on Windows Server 2008

  7. Right Click on CustomerSerivce.svc and Browser
  8. You should see a web page with a link to a WSDL file
  9. Follow the link an you should see an XML document containing the service contract

Implement Mobile Device Project

  1. Open Visual Studio and Create a new Solution
  2. Add a new Smart Device Project
  3. Go to References and add a new service reference
  4. Provide the URL of your Dynamics AX CustomerService
  5. Open Form1.cs file
  6. Add a text field (Name: textBoxAccountNum),
    a button (Name: buttonLookup)
    and a label (Name: labelName) to your form
  7. Double Click on the button and implement the service call:
private void buttonLookup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    System.Net.NetworkCredential credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential();
    credentials.Domain = "YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME";
    credentials.UserName = "YOUR_USER_NAME";
    credentials.Password = "YOUR_USER_PASSWORD";

    QueryCriteria query = new QueryCriteria();
    query.CriteriaElement = new CriteriaElement[1];
    query.CriteriaElement[0] = new CriteriaElement();
    query.CriteriaElement[0].DataSourceName = "CustTable";
    query.CriteriaElement[0].FieldName = "AccountNum";
    query.CriteriaElement[0].Operator = Operator.Equal;
    query.CriteriaElement[0].Value1 = textBoxAccountNum.Text;

    CustomerService service = new CustomerService();
    service.Credentials = credentials;
        AxdCustomer customer = service.find(query);
        if (customer != null &&
            customer.CustTable != null &&
            customer.CustTable.Length > 0)
            labelName.Text = customer.CustTable[0].Name;
    catch (Exception ex)
        MessageBox.Show("Service Call failed",

You application should look like that:

Windows Mobile 5 Emulator

Windows Mobile 5 Emulator