Analyze Dynamics 365 Finance / SCM Data in Synapse (Video)

Load Dynamics 365 F/SCM in Synapse and visualize in PowerBI

Synapse link for Dataverse is the replacement for Export to Datalake which has been deprecated in 2023. Although it is called link for Dataverse, it can be used to access Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain tables (and CE data from dataverse as well).

Synapse link for Dataverse

SQL Track Changes has to be enabled in D365 F/SCM. Creates, Updates and Deletes are written to a storage account in CSV format. Synapse is running a spark pool that converts the CSVs into Deltalake format which relies on the (Open-Standard) Parquet format. As result you can see and query the F/SCM tables in the lake like it were tables in a relational database.

Synapse Workspace with Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain data

Good news, Synpase has a serverless SQL pool and a public SQL endpoint. You can find the SQL endpoint from the Manage Icon (down left) > SQL Pools > Select your pool > Workspace SQL Endpoint.

You can create databases in this SQL pool and create views based on the tables in the datalake. For example join CustTable and DirPartyTable and provide a view that contains customer data with a name and address.

Create views in Synapse Workspace

You can use the development workspace in Synapse web based workspace but you could also use other tools to connect e.g. SQL Server Management Studio. Tables in the datalake and views in another database can be accessed.

SQL Endpoint for Synapse Workspace

PowerBI has a built-in connector for Synapse Workspace. You can easily load data from the tables and also from the views.

PowerBI Synapse connector

Business Event Development Video Tutorial

Please find the video tutorial how to develop a custom business event at my Youtube channel:

Develop Customer-Created Business Event in D365 SCM

Serialize and Deserialize JSON in X++

JSON strings can easily be handled using the FormJSONSerialized class in Dynamics 365 FO. Here is an example:

// JSON with string and number
str jsonString = @'{"Name":"Dynamics 365","RefRecId":123456789}';

Data Contract

Create an X++ class that matchtes the properties and add the DataContract and DataMember attributes. The attribute name has to match the JSON property name. You can stick to the parm*() naming schema for the method.

class ERPDataContract
    Name name;
    RefRecId refRecId;

    public Name parmName(Name _name = name)
        name = _name;
        return name;

    public RefRecId parmRefRecId(RefRecId _refRecId = RefRecId)
        refRecId = _refRecId;
        return refRecId;

Deserialize from JSON to X++ object

ERPDataContract xppObject = FormJsonSerializer::deserializeObject(

info(strfmt("Name = %1, RefRecId = %2",xppObject.parmName(), 
JSON to X++ object

Serialize X++ object to JSON string

jsonString = FormJsonSerializer::serializeClass(xppObject);
X++ object to JSON

Data I/O Cheat Sheet for Dynamics 365 F/SCM

There are many ways how to access, import and export data in Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management. Find here a one page PDF summary of 12 common ways. Every solution has it pros and cons.

Can Paginated Reports ease Dynamics 365 FO report development?

Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management uses SQL Server Reporting Services for reporting and document generation. In 2022 Microsoft included SSRS (aka. Paginated Reports) in PowerBI Pro license. One may ask if it is possible to use PowerBI Paginated Reports as well for reporting purpose in Dynamics 365 F/SCM.

X++ SSRSPowerBI Paginated Reports
+ Direct access to transaction DB
+ Business logic in X++
+ Integrated with Dynamics 365 FO

– Complex development
– Embedded in Dynamics 365 FO deployment cycle
+ Simple development using Report Builder
+ Integrated with Business Intelligence
+ Reuse existing data models

– Limited development possibilities
– No direct data access
Pros and Cons for Paginated Reports
SSRS vs. Paginated Report
Side-to-side comparison SSRS X++ report vs. PowerBI Paginated Report

Data Access

Paginated reports in PowerBI have only a limited capability to access data. There is no Dynamics 365 FO connector or OData access to entities. You could use different approaches to get Dynamics 365 FO data.

Access data from Paginated Reports


Paginated reports are designed by using the Report Builder. It is an adapted version of the SSRS Report Builder with some more data access features. In theory you could develop an SSRS report using Visual Studio and upload the .RDL file. However, PowerBI Paginated Reports are a limited version of SSRS and you might get errors.

Paginated Reports - Report Builder for PowerBI


Paginated Reports are a reduced SSRS feature in PowerBI. The Report Builder is very limited. You can define data access, defined parameters and place data on the report sheet. If you want to create printable documents without real-time requirement the Paginated Reports may be an option for you.

Dynamics 365 FO: Export to Datalake

The export to data lake feature in Dynamics 365 Finance & SCM allows you to export data from tables to a storage account. You can directly export tables like CustTable, InventTable, etc. and do not need to put it in entities. Power BI can directly access the datalake and load D365 tables like in the good old times. I’ve published a short video on Youtube:

How to use Dynamics 365 SCM Product Categories in PowerBI

Recently we had the requirement to use the product categories from Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management in a PowerBI report as well. It should be used to filter products by categories and sub-categories. We were using Data Lake export in D365 FSCM.

This is how product category hierarchy looks like in Dynamics 365 SCM:

Dynamics 365 FSCM: Products by Category
Dynamics 365 FSCM: Products by Category

This is how it should look in PowerBI:

Data sources

To build a product category model in PowerBI some tables need to be exported:

  • EcoResCategoryHierarchy
  • EcoResCategory
  • EcoResProductCategory
  • EcoResProduct

Load and model the category hierarchy data

Start with EcoResCategory table. I’d recommend to remove all unnecessary fields and keep at least RecID, Name and ParentCategory.

EcoResCategory table in PowerQuery editor

The field ParentCategory is a reference to the RecID of the parent line. In theory this would be sufficient to build the hierarchy in PowerBI. In practice we want to create the hierarchy via the name, not the RecID. Create a copy of the table and remove all fields except the Name and RecID. I call the new table EcoResCategoryName:

A duplicate of EcoResCategory with RedID and Name

Create an outer join from the original table to the new EcoResCategoryName table via the ParentCategory to the RecID.

Left Outer Join from EcoResCategory to the Name table to get the parent name

As result the Name of parent is now part of the table. For example the parent of PC&Tablet is Lenovo Sales. and the parent of Server as well as the parent of Storage is Server & Storage.

Category with name and parent name

Safe and load the data.

Build the Hierarchy

In PowerBI you can use the DAX formula PATHITEM to identify a certain element within a hierarchy. You have to provide the PATH (i.e. Name and ParentName) how the hierarchy is linked. For example to get the first level hierarchy element use the following code:

Level1 = PATHITEM(PATH(EcoResCategory[Name],EcoResCategory[ParentName]),1)

In my example “Lenovo Sales” is a root element for my hierarchy. The other root elements like “Neue Kategorie” and “Elektro Geräte” belong to another hierarchy (see CategoryHierarchy field). My hierarchy has 3 levels, therefore I create 3 additional fields called Level1, Level2, Level3.

Level2 = PATHITEM(PATH(EcoResCategory[Name],EcoResCategory[ParentName]),2)
Level3 = PATHITEM(PATH(EcoResCategory[Name],EcoResCategory[ParentName]),3)
Use PathItem() to identify Level1, Level2, Level3 elements

To create the hierarchy in PowerBI right click on the Level1 field and select create hierarchy. Right click on Level 2 and choose “Add to hierarchy”. Do the same with Level 3. Your hierarchy should look like this:

Hierarchy in PowerBI

Create the PowerBI data model

To implement a report like in Dynamics 365 SCM, load 3 additional tables:

  • EcoResCategoryHierarchy
  • EcoResProductCategory
  • EcoResProduct

Link the EcoResCategoryHierarchy.RecId to EcoResCategory.CategoryHierarchy
Link the EcoResCategory.RecId to EcoResProductCategory.Category
Link the EcoResProductCategory.Product to EcoResProduct.RecId

In my example the relations look like this:

PowerBI data model for Dynamics 365 SCM product category hierarchy

Add visuals to the report

I’ve added 3 visuals to the report. First, a filter element to choose from the EcoResCategoryHierarchy. For example the “Lenovo” hierarchy consisting of Laptops, Servers and Storage products.

Next a filter element for the hierarchy that was created earlier. PowerBI presents the hierarchy in a drop down tree. To avoid “Blank” elements in the hierarchy create a visual level filter and exclude the blanks

exclude blank values from the hierarchy using a visual level filter

My third visual is a table containing the product. The products get filtered based on the selection of the hierarchy elements.

Final report with hierarchy and products

Custom Scripts: Run X++ Code without downtime (Video)

Custom Scripts in Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management enables you to upload and execute X++ Code without the need to deploy a new release. Custom Scripts serve the same purpose like X++ Jobs in AX 2012 and earlier versions e.g. data correction. This short video shows how to create such a custom script, upload and execute it in a Dynamics 365 FO instance:

Custom Scripts: Jobs are (almost) back with in 10.0.27

The Custom Scripts feature in Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management allows you to upload and execute code snippets. Microsoft implemented some barriers because this feature is potential dangerous. You need two accounts, one for uploading the script and one for approval. The feature can be found in System Administration > Periodic Tasks > Database > Custom scripts.

Custom Scripts Feature in 10.0.27

Admin Provisioning Tool Error: The value’s length for key ‘password’ exceeds it’s limit of ‘128’

Microsoft has recently released the new VHD for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations 10.0.24 to download from LCS. When you instantly try to execute the Admin Provisioning Tool and provide your domain user you will get an error.

The value’s length for key ‘password’ exceeds it’s limit of ‘128’

There are some steps required before you can assign it to your Domain:

  1. Go to > Active Directory > App Registration and register a new App
Register a new application in Azure Active Directory
  1. Provide the One-Box URL as reponse address
  2. Copy the AppID to your clipboard
App Registration for Dynamics 365 FO 10.0.24 One-Box Environment
  1. Execute the “Generate Self-Signed Certificates” PowerShell script from the Desktop
  2. Provide the AppID from the App Registration
Generate Self-Signed Certificates

6. Execute the Admin Provisioning Tool and provide your Domain account address
7. Open in Edge and login

Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations 10.0.24 One-Box Environment