Serialize and Deserialize JSON in X++

JSON strings can easily be handled using the FormJSONSerialized class in Dynamics 365 FO. Here is an example:

// JSON with string and number
str jsonString = @'{"Name":"Dynamics 365","RefRecId":123456789}';

Data Contract

Create an X++ class that matchtes the properties and add the DataContract and DataMember attributes. The attribute name has to match the JSON property name. You can stick to the parm*() naming schema for the method.

class ERPDataContract
    Name name;
    RefRecId refRecId;

    public Name parmName(Name _name = name)
        name = _name;
        return name;

    public RefRecId parmRefRecId(RefRecId _refRecId = RefRecId)
        refRecId = _refRecId;
        return refRecId;

Deserialize from JSON to X++ object

ERPDataContract xppObject = FormJsonSerializer::deserializeObject(

info(strfmt("Name = %1, RefRecId = %2",xppObject.parmName(), 
JSON to X++ object

Serialize X++ object to JSON string

jsonString = FormJsonSerializer::serializeClass(xppObject);
X++ object to JSON

About erpcoder
Azure Cloud Architect and Dynamics 365 enthusiast working in Research & Development for InsideAx

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