Data I/O Cheat Sheet for Dynamics 365 F/SCM

There are many ways how to access, import and export data in Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management. Find here a one page PDF summary of 12 common ways. Every solution has it pros and cons.

Dynamics 365 Dual Write in Action

Since the early days the integration of Dynamics AX ERP and Dynamics CRM was a painful challenge. Microsoft came up with may not so great working solutions. Dual Write is a Power Platform solution for Dynamics 365 Finance / SCM and Dynamics 365 CE. It supports the synchronization beween these two products almost in real time.

I’ve made a short video to demonstrate the synchronization between Finance and CE. A customer is created in CE and becomes immediately a customer in FO. The quotation from CE is synchronized to FO where it is converted into a sales order. The sales order is visible in CE. The order is invoiced in FO and can be reviewed from within CE.

Dynamics 365 Finance – CE integration via Dual Write